해리포터 호그와트 미스터리/플레이 공략&팁

[공략&팁] 비욘드 호그와트-데이트 질문&답변 정리

루시엔 아리아 2023. 7. 30. 00:40

해리포터 호그와트 미스터리의 확장판인 비욘드 호그와트가 2023.07.29 날짜로 런칭되며 많은 것들이 변화되었다.
여기에는 데이트도 포함이 되는데, 호그와트 재학 중에는 마담 퍼디풋의 찻집은 독점적인 연인 관계가 있어야만 출입가능한 낭만 레벨 7 이상의 연애 고렙만이 데이트 할 수 있었던 곳이었다.

하지만, 졸업 후에는 찻집 쯤은 낭만 레벨 1도 출입 가능하고 독점적인 연인 관계가 없어도 모두에게 개방된 데이트 장소로 바뀌었다 ㅎㅎ
그러면서 새롭게 대사들도 바뀌었는데, 그래서 정리해보았다..!
<낭만 레벨 1-마담 퍼디풋의 찻집 데이트 문답 정리>

질문 베스트 답변
Oh, now that is interesting. If I were a cuppa, how would you describe me? Bold and exciting
Let's daydream for a bit! If we were to team up, where would our partnership really shine? In the Fashion World
Yes! I'd like a Cauldron Cake. I'm not in the mood for Ginger Newts. But what about you? Order a Cauldron Cake
Since we're getting to know each other, which do you think I prefer more — form or function? Form 
But what do you think? Should I have been completely honest? A white lie is all right
질문 베스트 답변
I normally like sweetened tea, but perhaps it's time to branch out? Let's try something bold! Get spicy tea
Look around, ::FirstName::. What do you see that makes Madam Puddifoot's a success? Atmosphere
Yes! I'm craving something with the buttery scent and light caramel flavour of golden syrup. Order Treacle Tart
You find new ways to inspire me every day! Do you find somehting about me inspiring? Your creativity
I try to combine different colours and elements to create a sense of... Harmony
질문 베스트 답변
I love that idea, ::FirstName::. As long as what you order comes with sugar. Order sweetened tea
Still, I miss Hogwarts a lot. Is there something you miss about Hogwarts? The creatures
I'll be happy with whatever you decide to order, as long as there's a lot! Order one of each!
If it's not too much to ask... What did you think of me back then? Strange but cute
Is there something surprising about me you learned after we got to know each other?
Your kindness
질문 베스트 답변
You seem so confident. Go ahead and order, I'm curious of what you have in mind. Order Herbal tea
Sometimes I want to cast it all away and live in the forest. Do you ever feel that way? Sometimes
Baked with hint of spice isn't much to go on. Don't worry if you don't guess right. Order Ginger Newts
Do you remember the key ingredient? Aconite
What inner quality do you recognise the most when you look at me, ::FirstName::? Your compassion
질문 베스트 답변
Get a deal on an experimental flavour, pay full price for familiar teas, or try for a different deal? Let's experiment
Want to guess what I've been working on? I'll give you a hint, Professor Flitwick would be proud. Charmed Food
Not really. You decide. What should we eat? Ginger Newts
But perhaps you like that about me as much as I do... I mean, you agreed to come here. It's my favourite thing about you
But what's your favourite thing about me? Your resourcefulness / Your reliability
질문 베스트 답변
Exactly. What is it going to be, then? Bold, spicy tea
But tell me, what is it you appreciate about me the most? Your courage
Very well, I'm partial to Cauldron Cakes... Cauldron Cakes it is!
You know me well enough, ::LastName::. What career do you think I should pursue? An Auror
If the two of us could go on an adventure, what sort of adventure would you like it to be? World domination 
질문 베스트 답
Oh, that's so thoughtful. So how would you describe our date? Cosy and soothing
I don't have the words to describe it, but us together feels... Right
Do you want to share a Cauldron Cake, ::FirstName::? Yes! Let's share!
What would your ideal marriage proposal look like? A Public Display
If you could own any sort of shop, what would it be? An apothecary 


질문 베스트 답
So, would you like to share a herbal tea with me? Let's share!
What is the trait you value the most about yourself? Courage
Only if you want to. I've heard the Cauldron Cake and the Treacle Tart are quite tasty too. Ginger Newts
It doesn't have to be a specific place, just perhaps what sort of place you'd look for. Somewhere Secluded
I'm curious, what's a talent you wish you had?
Being a better curse-breaker

참조 대사 링크 : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Dsfsi0-r9LqSTZdxgbVEZqYx7WDHZv2QxFaycvQW1w/edit


V1 Dating - Tea Shop

V1 Dating - Tea Shop Datamined‌ ‌by‌ ‌JJAR Feel free to share around Andre Intro teaShop_BY7_P0_intro1_andre:"There you are, Curse-breaker! You look lovely." teaShop_BY7_P0_intro2_andre:"Thank you, Andre." teaShop_BY7_P0_intro3_andre:"Madam Puddifo



2024년 2월에 추가된 템즈강 데이트!!



<낭만 레벨 1-템즈강 데이트 문답 정리>



질문 베스트 답변
What? Do you think I'd be something other than a duck?
You'd be a duck / You'd be a peacock
I wanted to do something special for you. Do you think it was a good idea? It's a fantastic idea!
He needs a design that's bold and unique! What would you suggest as a design for him, <Name>? Complementary colour paisley
But, just in case, why don't you try guessing it? Purple
I said you were sweet and a little spicy! What flavour do you think they chose based on that? Ginger snap


질문 베스트 답변
Hm... Perhaps? I haven't decided if I'd prefer a cat or a duck... What do you think? Duck
What would you suggest, <Name>? Tart cherry and brie sandwich
I've been thinking about hobbies we could do together, actually. Would you be interested in that? Absolutely
Can you guess what it is? Telephone
Do you like surprise gifts? Love surprises



질문 베스트 답변
Hmm, I hadn't noticed! Why do you think that is? Your empathy
But I also have peanut butter and jelly or cucumber sandwiches. Which do you want? Ham and cheese
That's a good question. I don't know... Do you think I'd be any good at it? You'd be great at it
Can you guess which is my favourite colour? Brown
Do you like strawberry? There was also chocolate and vanilla.
I prefer chocolate ++(대사 반응에 따르면 이 선택이 틀린 것 같은데, 점수는 초콜릿이 옳은 것으로 나온다고 한다. 나중에 혹시 잼시티에서 수정한다면 이 부분도 수정하겠다.)


질문 베스트 답변
I don't want you to feel pressured to say it's me, but who are you most comfortable with? You
Can you guess what mine is? I'll give you a hint… it involves fireworks. New Year's Eve
What kind of talent do you think would work for me? Crochet
Do you have a favourite party decoration? Something like streamers or fairy lights? Balloons
Would you have preferred something different? I like sour snacks / I like sweet snacks


질문 베스트 답변
My whole family is a bit ridiculous, to be honest. I wonder if you could handle them. Bring it on
Now, what do you want to start with? We've got spicy, sweet, or savoury. Spicy
Not something normal likes balls, or rings. I don't know, what do you think I would juggle if I was in an act?
Rolling pins
Do you have a favourite Muggle invention, <Name>? Blender
It wasn't, I was just messing with you. Do you like homemade gifts like this, though? I love homemade gifts


질문 베스트 답변
Yeah! An Ashwinder or Manticore would be cool, too. Which do you think suits me best? Ashwinder
Seriously, would you really want me to be nice to other people like I am to you?
I like being the only one you're nice to
Really? What kind of talent would you like to have? Tightrope walking
What colour? I'll warn you, though, only one colour is the right answer...
That's good with you, right? It's the sort of gift you like... right? I like thoughtful gifts


질문 베스트 답변
I think my Animagus form would be something friendly and loyal. What would you see me as? Golden Retriever dog
How do you feel about sandwiches? Best picnic food!
Solving Rubix cubes, card tricks, and folding origami to name a few. Which one do you think I'd enjoy? Folding origami
You know me so well I bet you can guess what it is.
Do you like vanilla cupcakes, <Name>? They're my favourite


질문 베스트 답변
Not really. My favourite waterfowl is what'd been my mum's Animagus. Can you guess it? Swan
I could try to be... Would you like that, <Name>? I like you the way you are / Do what makes you comfortable
I am yet to decide, actually. What would you suggest, <Name>?
What's your favourite Muggle invention, <Name>?
Now I'm curious what flavour it is... Chocolate


감성 영화 속 한 장면 같은 템즈강 데이트!


차후 더 많은 데이트 컨텐츠가 업로드 된다면 추가 수정하도록 하겠다.
